What is the HR onboarding process?

How can an organization improve employee retention rates and reduce turnover? How can an organization foster company culture and align employee with its mission? How can an organization increase employee productivity and improve department relations? The answer is simple. A company can achieve all benefits from a good employee onboarding process supported by its Human Resources(HR) department. 

The HR onboarding process by definition is the entire period from receiving a signed offer letter until the newly hired employee become a fully independent and contributing member to the company. The HR department is typically in charge of crafting and overseeing the onboarding process. The HR onboarding process contains six steps:

The first step is pre onboarding. Pre onboarding includes the recruitment, interview, and hiring process. HR will begins to collect all the necessary materials for the new employee and set up a start date.

The second step is day one. This is the start date of the new employee. HR will typically introduce company and begin the paperwork process. Some of the paper work for new employees are W-2, W-4, I-9, signed offer letter etc.

The third step is week one. This typically is an orientation week. More paperwork will be filled, employee will receive workspace and work materials. Introduction to managers, teams, and departments will occur in orientation.

The fourth step is month one. This typically is when training and education begins. Managers and co workers will train the new employees. 

The fifth step is quarter one. This typically is when training continues and the employee receives feedback, constructive criticism, and performance review. This helps the employee improve performance.

The sixth step is post quarter one. There is no set length of time for how long the employee onboarding process is. Every company has a different timeline for training and onboarding. The company should continue to support and review the employee until they become fully independent. 

It is important to refine and improve your onboarding process. An efficient onboarding process can result in more efficient and satisfied employees. Use this guide as a template to outline your process while adjusting each step to fit your specific company needs.